Thursday, November 24, 2011

I do not like to divulge personal information. When I write a check to pay for a purchase do I legally have to give them 2 phone numbers and/or a driver's liscence number? Where can I find these legal rights online?|||In law no one, except your bank in which your money is deposited, is required to cash your check or even accept it in payment of a bill. They do so at their risk. They ask whatever they need to decrease their financial risk. The only things you divulge are things you need to in order to entice them to take your paper and give you cash or merchandise in exchange.
Don't tell them and see what they do.
If I were you, I'd get a debit card on my checking account from my bank (It's free.)
and use it just like a credit card except that it takes the money right out of my checking account.
No more check hassle except at places that don't take credit cards.


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