Friday, December 9, 2011

I am purchasing a horse that is microchiped how do I change the owner information?|||Ask the people you're buying her from. Usually, all it takes is calling the appropriate company and re-registering the chip. There will likely be a fee of $5 - 20, depending on the company.|||I'm not certain, but the owner info may not be on the chip. It is most likely just an ID number that would be connected to a new owner through the registry or whoever keeps the database for the chip. Check with the vet who implanted it.|||The first step is to contact the registry with which the horse is registered. They will tell you what to do. Fact: Some registry's require mandatory micro-chipping, like Freisiens. Depends on the breed.|||Well, the association with which the horse is registered has nothing to do with any microchipping as this is right now a personal choice to do so. Before you purchase the horse ask the owners to contact the vet that microchipped the horse and have a release signed by the vet, stating the horse is changing owners hands and the microchip should either be reset to where there is no longer any information on it, or to where your info is placed on it. Make sure you have the horse's papers or transfer papers if you haven't yet switched the names over to varify that the horse is in fact yours. IF the horse is unregistered have a bill of sale handy.
If you can't use the previous owners vet for some reason, take the horse to yours. They will scan the chip, and pull up the horses' info. Then they will change the previous owners information to your updated one.
Be aware that if you don't have proof of purchase on the horse, a vet will show you the door.
My suggestion is try to get the info switched with the owners vet who placed the chip, as the owners would be able to go with you and varify in person so there is no problems or accusations of theft.


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