Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is there any information out there regarding a severe allergy to cat scratches? I am not referring to "cat scratch fever" disease, but an allergy where the site of the scratch becomes swolen and red, and the person has hives and trouble breathing.

Thanks so much!|||Greetings Humble Earthling! It sounds like you have two or more things going on. First, cat scratch fever is caused by a parasite and comes on 1 to 2 weeks after the scratch. Allergic reactions are immediate.
Now, if the site of the scratch is swollen and red, that could be due to minor infection and just the process of healing. Cat scratches hurt! I know I have been scratched plenty! You can use peroxide to clean the scratch out and continue to wash with soap and water. A little neosporin will also speed the healing. As to the hives, that would be an allergic reaction to something that was on the cat's claw only if it happened right away. If it has been days, then you are probably reacting to something else. Same for the difficulty breathing. Anaphylatic shock would have occured within minutes of the scratch.....long before it had time to become swollen and red. You have to keep in mind that just because one event follows another (the hives after the cat scratch) it does not mean that the first event caused the second. Keep the scratch clean and give it a few weeks to heal. If the hives and difficulty breathing (do you mean you are short of breath..or are you congested) continue.....get yourself to an immunologist or allergist.|||For some reason, I'm not able to give Queen of the Dust Mites' answer a thumbs up, but I just wanted to let you know that it's a great answer. One thing I would add: you didn't mention if you (or whoever is experiencing these symptoms) is allergic to cats. If so, a cat scratch will almost certainly elicit an allergic reaction.


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